7 Ways to Know You've Triumphantly Beaten Burnout

It can be challenging to tell if we are making progress or not with burnout. No worries. Here are seven tips to see if you are on the right track.


Tip 1: Increased self-awareness

Knowing where you are and what is going on with you is the first step. We start with the ability to sit still and observe what we are thinking, doing, and feeling. Step back and objectively observe your actions to know if you are on the right path.


Tip 2: You appreciate the lessons learned

You will know you are on your way out of burnout when you can see how your challenging experience has created an opportunity for you to reflect and transform. Furthermore, you are on the right track when you can apply the lessons learned from the past to the present.


Tip 3: Your body moves to zen

Another indication that you've surpassed burnout is your increased sense of relaxation. You might notice your average heart rate has decreased. You are breathing more deeply and exhaling longer. The muscles that were once tense are now relaxed. Your digestive system is neither backed up nor in overdrive. These symptoms indicate that you are moving in the right direction and on the brink of ending burnout.


Tip 4: Start to enjoy the mundane

We tend to avoid tedious tasks when we are burnt out. On the other hand, when we are not burnt out, we enjoy mundane tasks, such as driving, folding laundry, or sweeping the floor. There is a noticeable increase in your ability to feel joy.


Tip 5: You cultivate an attitude of gratitude

As you start to move out of burnout, you generate more experiences with gratitude, specifically a greater appreciation for all the little things. Gratitude is one of those states that not only makes you feel better, but it also changes your mindset and your perspective on things. Actively center, ground, and reflect on your blessings and the beauty that life has given you to create a more thoughtful and awe-inspiring life experience.


Tip 6: Laughter comes easily

There is a strong correlation between laughter and well-being. Laughter not only boosts our mood but also activates a specific part of our nervous system that brings on relaxation and healing. When there is more laughter in your life, you know you are doing the right thing. You stop taking things personally and find ways to laugh it off.


Tip 7: You reclaim your power

As you live your life, you get to feel comfortable being able to speak your mind and live according to your truth. Even when someone invades your personal space, you don't feel afraid of speaking your mind or sticking up for yourself—it makes you feel free when you are not limited in expressing your truth, and your creativity flows. Claiming your power and remembering that you are inherently creative allows you to live life in a more meaningful way.


Final words

These are just several signs of success in the journey out of burnout. We learn from one another. Describe a time when you realized you had triumphed over burnout.


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